
Epic Talent’s JAMES PANTELIS will feature in an exciting new series coming to your screens!

Congratulations James on landing this role 🎬
We are so happy for you.

Keep a close eye on this one 👀

#epictalentmanagement #junior #talent #casting #booked #feature #actor #acting #sydney #series #famous #film #actorlife #childactor

Australian Fashion Week

Our beautiful Chenile Chandler walking the Runway for Ngali.

Captured by

#epictalentmanagement #model #sydneyfashionweek #runway #models #casting #famous #modelling #fashion #ngali #beauty #talent #actor #clothing #australianfashionweek #aafw2023 #wasisalways

Hope you all had a lovely Mother’s Day! Our talent Miguel, Will, and Thomas certainly did at the Eastland Mothers Day event!

#mother #mothersday #eastland #epic #epictalent #epictalentmanagement #instafamous #famous #actor #actorlife #promo

Say hello to Team Epic! 🤩

Meet Sabrina, Cindy, Madi and Nina! The four powerhouse agents who are behind the magic that takes place here at Epic.

We strive to create a boutique agency and provide our talent with an abundance of incredible opportunities in the entertainment industry.

We value representing a wide and diverse range of talent as we believe this to be the future of our industry.

Additionally, we pride our agency on our ability to establish and maintain a connection with each and every one of our talent on a more personal level in order to look after them and represent them as best as we possibly can!

#epic #epictalent #epictalentmanagement #actor #actorlife #acting #modelling #agency #tvc #filmandtv #movie #tvseries

Congrats to our Epic Sydney talent, Theo Fontes who recently featured in a BUPA online and cinema campaign!
Well done Theo for your great work! 🤩🎬

#epic #epictalent #epictalentmanagement #famous #commercial #casting #audition #bupa #tvc #talent #acting #actinglife #actor #cinema #online

Please give a warm welcome to our newest office VIP!
Or should we say VID 🤪
Ruby came to visit the office this week… Rusty had a friend to keep him company 🐶

#dog #doglover #dogsofinstagram #epic #epictalent #epictalentmanagement

In lieu of a multitude of upcoming feature films and major series entering the production stage, we are opening up our books and accepting applications from Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sydney and Melbourne actors!

To apply, click on the link in our bio and head to the JOIN EPIC section of the website. Simply fill out your deets, tell us a bit about yourself, add some pics of you and we will be in touch!

We are open to all ages, ethnicities, genders and levels of experience in the industry. We look forward to your applications!

Please feel free to share this post with friends, family and anyone interested in gaining acting representation.

#epic #epictalent #epictalentmanagement #talent #acting #modelling #actingagency #famous #talentsearch #casting #castingcall #actor #actorslife


Looking for Melbourne based weightlifters/ trainers with FIJIAN heritage in regard to a massive opportunity that has been sent our way.

If you or a friend fits this brief email [email protected] with your name, age, phone number and a headshot.

#epictalentmanagement #fijian #weightlifters #weighttrainers #talentsearch #castingcall #famous #casting #gym #fitness

Our Super Star Michael Lanzer for the new Mars Bar TVC - YUM!


#epictalentmanagement #feature #acting #tvc #commercial #talent #epic #famous #marsbar #chocolate #yum #delicious



We are looking for background extras aged 25 years and over for a paid beer campaign!


Shoot dates: 1 x day either 15th, 16th or 17th of April, 2023.

Fee: $200 for a 2 hour call (less tax/commission)

If this is suitable for you please email [email protected] with a couple of snap shots, your age and location to be submitted to our client.

#epictalent #epictalentmanagement #casting #castingcall #epic #talent #talentsearch #actor #acting #commercial #famous #townsville #queensland #tvc

Happy Easter from the Epic Team!

We hope you all had a lovely and restful long weekend 🐣🍫

#epictalentmanagement #easter #eastereggs #chocolate #longweekend #rest #backtowork

Congratulations to Shayne Warren who’s been booked for an upcoming Triexta campaign.

Woohoo 🥳

#actor #campaign #tvc #talent #epictalentmanagement #triexta #commercial #teenmodel #teenactor #teentalent

A big congratulations to all our talent who were a part of Scrublands, and a special mention to Anthony Sallman for his bit part!

We were thrilled to be a part of this production, which allowed us to connect with some of the local residents, from, but not limited to, Ballart, Bendigo, Castlemaine, Maldon and Daylesford!
We hope being a part of this production gave many of you a lovely insight into our world of acting!

#goldfields #maldon #ballarat #bendigo #castlemaine #daylesford #acting #extras #talent #epictalentmanagement #scrublands #tvseries #stan @stanaustralia


We are looking for a Korean Male Presenter 30-60 for a paid gig. Must speak Korean fluently with authentic accent.
Shoots mid April in Melb

If this is you, please email [email protected]

#castingcall #talent #korean #presenter #koreantalent #epictalentmanagement

Here’s a montage of videos from our EPIC Photoshoot that took place on Sunday 📸

@ken.pryorphoto @epic_talent_official

#epictalentmanagement #talent #actors #modelling #headshot #photography #fashion #epic #tanyapowellmodelagency

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